Fully-Dimensional Faith

3-D Faith

Why is your blog called 3-D Lessons for Life?

The honest answer is that when I started blogging, I wanted to stay true to my teaching roots and title my blog “Lessons for Life,” but that was already taken.  I added the “3-D” in front of it on a whim.  My husband’s business is nicknamed 3-D, and it’s a phrase that we use often at Casa Dunbar.

When I moved my blog to wordpress.org, I had to decide if I wanted to change the name of this blog.  I prayed about keeping 3-D Lessons for Life or tossing it for a new “revamped title.”  As I thought about who I am and what this space on the web has become, the Lord impressed on me that the phrase “3-D” needed to stay.

God has called me to live a fully-dimensional faith.  That’s the focus of my life and why I write here about life lessons.  I want to pursue Christ with every fiber of my being.

Living a 3-D faith requires

  • a commitment to growing intimacy with Christ
  • a charge to affirm others and walk in community
  • a call to reach out in love and live a life of service

This 3-fold focus was birthed in my heart through studying Paul’s prayer:

My response is to get down on my knees before the Father,

this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth.

I ask Him to strengthen you by His Spirit—

not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—

that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in.

And I ask Him that with both feet planted firmly on love,

you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus

the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love.

Reach out and experience the breadth!

Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights!

Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:14-19, MSG


Q4U:  How would you describe a “fully-dimensional faith”?


I am joining like-minded sisters at  The Weekend Brew, Spiritual SundaysFaith-Filled FridayThriving ThursdaysTell His Story,  Wednesdays in the WordThree-Word WednesdayA Little R and R, Soli Deo GloriaRich-Faith Rising, Playdates with God, and Hear it on Sunday: Use it on Monday.


  1. Congrats on making the move to a self-hosted blog! It wasn’t an easy decision for me when I did it, especially since I didn’t bring my old posts with me from Blogger. But it was a good clean start for me and has worked out well.

    I’ve always liked your 3-D name and now I’m glad to understand even more the reasoning behind it. 🙂

    1. Kristin, thanks for stopping by tonight from SDG. I loved the word that you chose to write in the comments underneath Jen’s post. I am actually hosting a new link up starting this Thursday, and the post I am going to share on that day is titled “Prince of Peace.” Praying for God’s peace to fill your home and heart tonight. Hugs

  2. I think sometimes my boys wish I weren’t so 3-D – because I bring the words into moments that others would just leave out. Whether I’m missing it or doing it right – I try to make it a life lesson. Wouldn’t 3-Day be physical, spiritual and emotional? Oh, you’ve got me thinking about this now!

  3. Dear Lyli
    I have often wondered why you called you why you called your blog this name until I realized that life is not lived in only two spaces; no, it has height, width, and depth. We might see these things as entities, but God sees them as fractals of a whole picture of our lives!
    Blessings XX

  4. I always love learning more about my lovely blogging friends. Thanks for telling us a bit more about your blog name. Congrats on moving to a self hosted sight. I’m not sure if I will ever get to that point. It scares me! Happy Wednesday my friend. Love ya.

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