
Hold Fast in Hard Times — Bright Lights (Day 6)

A few years back, we got hit by strong hurricane force winds in our area.  The eye of the storm landed north of us, but the impact spanned several counties. The power was out for two weeks in some neighborhoods, but God mercifully sent a cold front to Florida, and we opened our widows and…

Hold Fast in Hard Times — Stay on Message (Day 2)

  Yesterday, I fought a battle with my cell phone.   I was sitting in my car in a parking lot waiting, so I decided to clean out my voice messages.   I pressed the delete button, and then I went to the trash bin and deleted the message yet again.  My inbox was now uncluttered and…

Hold Fast in Hard Times (A 31-Day Series) — Cliffhanger (Day 1)

Do you ever feel like a small ship adrift on a stormy sea?  How do you stay afloat when the waves relentlessly come crashing down over and over again? On a ship “hold fast” implies that rigging is tied securely.  During inclement weather, sailors would actually wrap themselves in the lines to help maintain their…

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