The Time Police

The Time PolicePhoto Credit


As a high school teacher, I learned quickly that I must keep my eye on the clock. A class period was 45 minutes, and students loved to get me “off topic” by asking about my weekend and the weather. I knew that five minutes wasted each day would total two weeks of learning time lost by the end of the school year. To accomplish my objectives, I enforced the class regulations with the vigilance of a wary police officer.

As I read Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae, I am reminded that daily I must adopt a similar attitude about how I share my faith. Paul encourages Christ followers to seize every moment of time with wisdom and purpose. I must be watchful for opportunities to share the Good News with my co-workers, neighbors, and family. The term “redeeming” here implies that we are to zealously buy back moments for Kingdom purposes like a greedy merchant who is seeking to make a profit.

Recently, I read a book that encouraged me to track my time for one week to see where I might find pockets of free time to pursue my passions. I quickly discovered that I was tossing away lots of valuable time trolling Facebook that I could have set aside for outreach.

Time is sacred, and we are called to offer each day to the Lord. A wise steward understands that this involves sacrifice. The world will try to distract us with selfish pursuits, but we must stay in tune with the Spirit so that we don’t miss openings to share the Good News. We want to guard our time, rather than squander it.

As you start your week, pray over your calendar. What is on your schedule that will provide a possible open door for you to share your God story? Is there someone you can call and meet for coffee? Ask God to help you be bold in your interactions with your lost friends and family.

Time is short. Let’s keep our eye on the clock and snag every minute we can to share the reason for the Hope that is within us.

Seize the Moment

Let’s Talk:  What practical steps will you take this week to redeem the time for His kingdom purposes?

“The Time Police” was originally published at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale’s Daily Devo.


I am sharing “Plead My Cause” and joining like-minded sisters at Give Me Grace, Still Saturday, The Weekend Brew, Spiritual Sundays, Faith-Filled Friday, Blessing Counters, Essential FridaysLive Free Thursday, Three-Word WednesdayTell His Story, Coffee for Your HeartTestimony Tuesday, Purposeful Faith’s RaRaLinkup, Rich-Faith Rising, Sharing His Beauty, and Playdates with God.



  1. Yes, to pray over our calendars, datebooks, online activity, choices. Thanks for this encouragement, Lyli. Please know it was much needed …

    Comfort and joy to you this weekend, friend …

  2. glad to read this as I have been pondering time this week: where did this year go? How will I spend my time in 2016? been doing some day dreaming of my ideal way to schedule my day in 2016? how much time to spend on certain projects? I know it won’t work out like I planned – life happens but it sure was educational on just how much time I do have to get certain things done and the reality of how much I waste some days on the internet. Thanks for your words today

  3. I love the idea of praying over our calendars, etc.- from Linda Stoll. What a great idea! I love to start the day with “Thank you, Lord, for this glorious day.”

  4. Boy, you hit the hammer on the head. I look at Facebook, and while I enjoy it, afterwards I think, ” great, now I know where people are, what they ate, what they like”. I’m frustrated and I do it. What a reminder of the real relationships that exist and how to grab back (redeem) time back for what matters! Glad I stopped by.

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this…yes, there’s something like a warp-speeding happening…but it’s as it should be now I suppose, God said there would be “time, times, and a half time…” There are grains of gold, not sand in the hour glass and it’s so easy to shortchange ourselves.
    Be encouraged in what you do and who God made you to be…there is a beautiful quote: “Always tell about Jesus, if necessary, use words.”
    Love is so beautiful and comes in so many different ways!
    And when people see love, they catch a glimpse of God.

  6. Lord, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

    Thanks for these practical thoughts — especially loved your emphasis on “kingdom purposes.” We’re not just being stingy with our time — we have a high calling on this earth and must be like soldiers!

  7. I know where a lot of my time is wasted – social media! And you’re right, the world’s distractions are front and center. No doubt the exploits of the devil seeking our attention so we don’t accomplish work for the Kingdom. Thank you for this powerful reminder!

  8. I do much better with keeping a “To Do” list and plan for the week but be willing to bend if I get the unexpected call requesting that cup of coffee or can we do lunch. Many good times of ministry by my being willing to change my plans.

  9. A good reminder that those minutes add up. Time management is another of those areas where we need balance: more time in personal relationships, less time on social media, for example.

    your neighbor at Lisha Epperson’s

  10. This is such an important message. I waste a lot of time and yet, I keep complaining that I haven’t the time to do everything I need to do. So thankful you share this with the Weekend Whispers community.

  11. Lyli, this is just beautiful and something I needed to read. Jesus forgives so gently and yet poignantly that I want to fall at His feet right away.
    Thanks and glad you are my neighbor at Jen’s tonight.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  12. Very on time post. Today I purposed to stay off of social media in the morning hours and I had so much more time on my hands. While they can be great tools, they also can distract us from our greater purpose. Blessings always, Misty

  13. Such a great reminder! Visiting you from #RaRaLinkup where we are neighbors today. God has been speaking to me on this very thing over the past year.

  14. What an important message. We do let so much time slip through our fingers! Usually we think of using our time well in terms of using it FOR OURSELVES, but you’re challenging us here to see how we can use it for the Lord. Beautiful.

  15. Just the other day a friend bought me a Christmas ornament in the shape of a clock and my daughter wondered what a clock had to do with Christmas. I used this very scripture to remind her that we are to redeem our time. Amazing that I would find your post and be encouraged to not just use my time wisely but to use it to help those who are seeking Christ. I’m so glad I found this! Wishing you Christmas blessings!

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