Sow in Tears

Sow in TearsPhoto Credit

Sometimes, I weep for what was.

I wish I could roll back the clock and revise a tragic day in my family’s history.

I cry out for restoration as salty tears stream down my face.

I am thankful for that sweet Scripture that says God collects all my tears in a bottle.

I am comforted when I read that Jesus wept for a friend.

I’ve surrendered to the reality that God has given me a ministry of tears.

One glorious day, my Jesus will wipe all my tears away.

In the meantime, it’s okay to be a weeping willow.


Dr. Elmer Towns suggests that we only cry when we lose something precious to us.  In How to Pray: When You Don’t Know What to Say, he asks his readers to note the last time they cried over a lost person or a a personal sin.  Tears of loss help define our “spiritual temperature.”


If you immerse yourself in the Gospels, they will cure you of the “stiff-upper-lip” religion that is so foreign to the one who was a “man of sorrows acquainted with grief.” Jesus knew the Prayer of Tears, and He will show you how to follow “in His steps.”

Richard Foster, Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home, p. 45


Lord, may we be refreshed as by streams in the desert.


Let’s Talk:  Have your tears dried up or are you a weeping willow?  How do we keep a tender heart?


Let’s Pray Big in Community:

This year, my desire is to lift up holy hands and “Pray Big.” Want to join me? I’ve created a private “Pray Big” Facebook group for like-minded sisters to share their stories and surrender each one to our mountain-moving God in prayer. Let’s cry out to God together.

Pray Big for 31 Days Button











I am sharing “Sow in Tears” and joining like-minded sisters at Spiritual Sundays, Faith-Filled Friday, and Blessing Counters.


  1. Tears flow easily in this season where transition and griefs collide.

    But I know that they are a healing stream. And that it is well with my soul …

    And I’m comforted because I know that I’m in good company … ’cause Jesus wept. He is with us, Lyli.

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