The No Nitpicking Zone

No Nitpicking Zone | Lyli Dunbar

Let’s face it. The world would be a much better place if everyone just agreed with me. Right?

Sadly, that is not the case. Put three Christians in the same room, and you are bound to have three distinctly different opinions on pretty much any subject. Should we stick to somber hymns with accompanying organ or clap to contemporary guitar tunes? Do we slightly sprinkle the baby at the altar or fully immerse grown-ups? Is Jesus coming back for the church before the tribulation, or should I run for the hills and hide now?

Since the early church age, contention over preferences and positions has plagued the body of Christ. This is why the Apostle Paul challenges the believers in Rome to persist in working toward peace. We are called to mutually contend for the faith, rather than demand our way and fragment the fellowship.

The enemy of our souls loves to plant seeds of discord, and we must be alert to his schemes and uproot the weeds of pride and selfishness that seek to stunt our growth. Rather than criticize and condemn, we are called to strengthen and solidify as we yield to the Holy Spirit.

On the inside cover of my Bible I’ve written a maxim that’s been called “the watchword of Christian peacemakers” to remind me to choose wisely: “In Essentials Unity. In Non-Essentials Liberty. In All Things Charity.” Christ followers must work toward humbly establishing right relationships, rather than demanding our rights.

The context of Romans 14 outlines exactly how peace is cultivated. Verse 1 (MSG) encourages us to “welcome with open arms believers who don’t see things the way you do.” Following our convictions should never mean belittling our brother who may be weaker in the faith. We should selflessly surrender our rights if our choices are provoking one another to stumble. Rather than bicker over what is inconsequential in light of eternity, we should strive to build each other up in the faith.

Let’s purpose to promote peace and make the church a no nitpicking zone.


Something to think about…

Friends, in case you hadn’t heard: 

A fresh look is coming. You don’t need to do a thing. I’ve invited Traci and Mandy to help dress up things a bit, and although my new home will be, you will still receive encouragement in your inbox if you are subscribed.

My blogging friends should know that the link-up is going to move to Fridays soon under a new name. I will e-mail you all the details once we are ready to roll out the revamped blog.






  1. How much better the witness of the church would be if the world could see all of us loving each other despite the differences! Thanks for these much needed words of yours!

    Blessings to you!

  2. Even the bible encourages us to avoid unnecessary arguments.
    Lyli, I try to stay away from all those drama and negativity especially on social media ….and I think it’s worse over there.
    Looking forward to seeing your new look….
    Thanks for the linkup ?

  3. Amen, I’m in. — No Nitpicking Zone. — May we not be so enamored with ourselves that we forget the big picture. And, like you say…inconsequential. “Build each other up in faith.” Amen. Thanks, Lyli. ((xoxo))

  4. I’m all for this! “Let’s purpose to promote peace and make the church a no nitpicking zone.” I love the “watchword” quote you shared. I had heard it years ago but it seems even more relevant now with the way social media has grown. I’ll be writing it down to keep and remember! Thank you for this excellent word!

  5. This is something that has been coming up over and over again as I work on a church plant team here locally. It is sad to me that we cannot simply agree to disagree on points not pertinent to our salvation. We are planting a fairly contemporary church with new ideas while keeping with the doctrine of our very traditional denomination. Tho our teaching is consistent our format is quite different and we have received quite a bit of push back. It just saddens me that some people are more concerned about procedure and program than the people who need to here the Gospel. Thanks for your words today! Blessings!

  6. I think we’d all do well to have this written inside our Bibles, Lyli: “In Essentials Unity. In Non-Essentials Liberty. In All Things Charity.” We can definitely do some nit-picking, and it doesn’t bring glory to God. Thanks for the encouragement to promote peace instead.

  7. This….”working toward peace. We are called to mutually contend for the faith, rather than demand our way and fragment the fellowship.” I am going to be spending time in Romans 14 today, Lyli. I love this post… the way you open your arms to welcome us in and shepherd our hearts in Truth.
    Thank you!

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