The Centerpiece

The CenterpiecePhoto Credit: Manfred Zimmer, via Pixabay

During our first year of marriage, Bruce came home with a ginormous flat screen television set, and I bawled.   I had decorated the armoire in the middle of our living room with family photos, Scripture art, and mementos from our wedding day.   Now, that display would be replaced by a monstrous ugly box that was going to blare noise into my quiet sanctuary.

I remember crying like a petulant child, “I hate that thing.   I don’t want that horrible monstrosity to be the first thing people see when they come into our house.   I don’t want to be known as TV people!”  (Please note that I am currently typing this as I sit on the couch in front of the big bad TV, and I have grown to love our evening wind down together.  I play on my laptop as my man watches the Weather Channel.)

Five years later, I can honestly say that the television in the living room has not become the centerpiece in my home.  My friends don’t come over because they are drawn to my big flat screen.  When Bruce and I sit down to have a serious talk or if we pray together, we don’t do it standing in front of the television.  I enjoy sitting down to watch a little HGTV, but I don’t reach for the remote when I need wise counsel.

The firm foundation of my home remains the Word of God.  On Christ the solid rock I stand.  All other ground is sinking sand.  (Can I get an “Amen” to that?)

This year, my desire is to “hold fast.”  As I move forward, Christ must be the centerpiece of my heart.  My passion must be to seize more of Him, to retain His Word, to quash anything that draws me away from following hard after my Savior.  My most prized possession must be my friendship with Jesus.

May my life be a display case for His love.

 So, my dear Christian friends,

companions in following this call to the heights,

take a good hard look at Jesus.

He’s the centerpiece of everything we believe,

faithful in everything God gave Him to do.

Hebrews 3:1, MSG

Let’s Hold Fast in 2014.

hold fast small graphic








I am sharing “The Centerpiece” and joining like-minded sisters at Photo Friday, Coffee for Your Heart, Words of Life Wednesdays, Tell His Story, The SDG Gathering, Testimony Tuesday, Rich-Faith Rising, Sharing His Beauty, Playdates with God, and Unforced Rhythms.


  1. This is great Lyli. I remember having the exact conversation with my husband when we first married. I still dislike the noise and prefer it be turned off – but I’m grateful it is not a centerpiece in our home either. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yes, Lyli… I keep singing that song lately – “Oh Christ, be the center of our lives, be the place we fix our eyes….” Joining with you in this heart cry. (Stopped by from Kelli’s place this morning. πŸ™‚ )

  3. Hey there, Lyli! It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to stop by your place. I have found that the TV really isn’t my priority anymore either, so I’m resonating with your “hold fast” theme and challenge, my friend.

  4. Beautiful in both photo & words. Love that verse in the MSG. I am joining you, Lyli, in wanting to “hold fast” to our Lord this coming year. Thank you for the reminder. I am always blessed for having been here.

  5. Hi Lyli, What a wonderful reminder when so many have made the “big black box” the centerpiece of their homes, you challenge us to remember the true Centerpiece and the blessing of balance and moderation. Thanks and Blessings!

  6. Lyli –
    WOW – display case for His love —– LOVE LOVE LOVE that! Yes, please for me. I need help there, you know, Lord!!
    And love the sharing of the real stuff with the home. We really can merge as men and women for Him, huh πŸ™‚
    Love to you!!

  7. I had to chuckle at your first line, because in the first month of our marriage, a relative of my husband’s gave us a huge flat screen TV and I had a similar reaction. I love your reminder here of who and what are the centerpieces of home and life. Thank you.

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