Waiting (Thought-Provoking Thursday)

WaitingPhoto Credit: Ryan McGuire, via Pixabay

I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons

are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end,

but by His making us wait,

bearing with us in love and patience

until we are able to honestly to pray

what He taught His disciples to pray:

“Thy will be done.”

― Elisabeth Elliot, Passion and Purity

Something to think about…


  1. I really have enjoyed reading and learned from Elisabeth Elliott. These words above are no exception, Lyli. In God’s time and His will are the way it is and needs to be.
    May we wait upon the LORD.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  2. A lot of theology and truth packed in that one quote, Lyli. I’m not good at waiting, but I do desire for his will to be done–Lord, more grace to work this out better in my life.

  3. Hi Lyli,
    I love that book and quote…not the waiting so much, but I do love the eventual fruit of the waiting…the deepening in Christ…praying God blesses you with His peace as you wait, my friend 🙂

  4. What a wonderful quote. Elisabeth Elliot was a woman who learned a lot about God through her terrible ordeal of losing her husband so early in life. She learned the unspeakable grace of God through pain and patience. It’s one of the reasons I really listen to what she says.

    May we all be shaped so that we can come in line with the desires and purposes of God.


  5. Elisabeth Elliot is one of my favorite authors. Her views are definitely NOT politically correct! My link up at the Weekend Brew was bracketed by your post, Waiting, and Kathryn’s post on obedience 🙂

  6. The waiting can be hard, but I am learning to trust that God is working even though I cannot see. What else can I say in those times except, “thy will be done”. Thanks for linking up with The Weekend Brew!

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